Here are some screenshots of Assault Wing and its development process.
In-game Screenshots
Below is a screen shot of the game itself (taken from the CVS version on 2001-11-25). The game is running on a single computer with two players. The screen is divided into two. The left half is centered to the first player's ship. As you can see, he is close to taking some damage. The second player has just shot a series of rockets. One of them can still be seen flying as a yellow triangle on the left. The others have exploded.
On the right of both of the screen halves, you can see a hit point bar (rising from low red to high green) and weapon load meters.(the yellowish squares on the top). Weapon load meter shows yellow when the weapon is loaded. There are two dots for each player --- one for the main weapon and other for the special weapon (such as rockets). On the top of the screen there is a transparent message box, which is empty at the moment. It would inform about frags and kills.
It must be mentioned that the graphics are currently just temporary hacks. Eventually, they are to be replaced by professional graphics made by a real graphician. Also the arena in which the screen-captured game takes place is not designed to be playable or even good looking. It has served as a simple (but efficient) test ground for the developing code (as well as a test ground for my skills in using the GIMP. ;-) As Assault Wing will get more features and become more playable, we are going to start designing arenas as well.
Development Screenshots
Below, you can see a part of the class structure of Assault Wing (from a CVS version on 2001-05-10). Black lines show normal inheritance and green lines show multiple inheritance. Quite a mess, isn't it? The screen is mostly filled by classes related to game objects. Down on the right you can see classes like Bullet and HumanPlayer which are just what you would expect. The tree is drawn with (an old version of) Code Crusader.
The code snippet seen below is chosen as an example of the coding style of Assault Wing. Of course, this is an extreme example. A comment-versus-code ratio of about 7:5 is rare although the shown code snippet has it. The screenshot is from an Emacs session. To see more code of Assault Wing, download the game, or browse our CVS.
Page updated on Wednesday 2009-07-15
Check out Assault Wing - Galactic Battlefront